About Us

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Our Philosophy

Time to see yourself in a new light.

Coyote and Shaina Fairbank provide services in Montana and Idaho. We use evidence based models to help overcome life’s struggles. Our view is that, through personal exploration, you can increase self understanding which allows you to foster helpful thoughts and disregard unhelpful thoughts. This allows you to make positive changes in your daily life.


Meet Us

Coyote Fairbank

Coyote Fairbank

Coyote is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has been practicing since 2014.
Shaina Fairbank

Shaina Fairbank

Shaina is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and is licensed in Montana and Idaho.
Cassie Merten

Cassie Merten

Cassie is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in Montana and Idaho

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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